Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Whole New Category

I received a request that I was stumped to fill - Love cards!  Why don't I have any Love cards?  Well, here's a start.

I'm starting off with some serious cards and some fun ones.

Like this fun guy who states that he's "Bananas about you!"

And it helps to pull ideas from cards in other categories.  This design is from the Birthday cards.

But others, like this butterfly, are new designs.

This started its life as a Valentine's card.

After finding a bird silhouette I liked, this card was made quickly.

Love the color spectrum!

"When shared with you!"

"than bacon!"  The perfect guy card!

Finally found a card to be able to use this "ribbon" - small metal dots on a mesh.  Glad I thought of it!

So, now I need to make room in my carousels for the new Love Collection! 


  1. Perfect new category. They're all adorable!

    1. Thanks, Leslie! Gotta love the internet for inspiration!
