Thursday, October 10, 2013

In September 2012, I worked up my courage and went to a local card shop.  When I walked in, I was delighted to see a wall labeled "Local Artists".  I spoke with the owner and asked if she was interested in more "local artists".  She was interested!  I showed her my cards, and she hemmed and hawed, then pulled out 6 cards.   My first thought was that's better than being shown the door.  She handed them to me and said she'd like 5 of each type, how soon could I get them to her!!!  You could have knocked me over with a feather.  She selected several of the Teabag Folded cards and my newest creation, Gift Card Holders, like these below:


I had ton of cards in stock and got her the order in a couple of days.  It wasn't much money, but oh the feeling!  If you have a passion, take a chance!  It's worth the risk to attain the goal.
None of this would have been possible without my Pazzles Inspiration!  I think I questioned the decision to buy the cutter for 2 days before I placed the order online.  That choice has changed so much!  I have found a creative outlet that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  I have met a group of people through the Pazzles craftroom that I never want to be without again and so many new horizons are open to me now.  The sky's the limit!


  1. Bev, gorgeous creations as always! I love it for you that your passion is turning into such a great outlet for you and others can enjoy your cards.

  2. How exciting Bev! I bet you were smiling ear to ear walking out of that store!


  3. That store owner knew a good thing when it walked in the door!

  4. Heidi, I was walking on cloud 9! I didn't really know what to expect when I went in and it just goes to show that taking a chance can sometimes be rewarding!

    Annette, thank you! It was a mutual "good thing"!
